Ok - I realise that this isn't an accurate portrayal of women drivers but, in an age where men's role in advertising is to be the stooge, the fall-guy or a general doormat in a woman's world, it's nice to remind ourselves that there was a time when gender bias went in the other direction.
I'm not sure when it's originally from - the late 60s maybe?
Saw this fantastic little bit of graffiti written on a For Sale sign on Long Lane the other day. A lessbeen? Is that supposed to be a lesbian? Or is Mary a has-been who never really made it in the first place? I'm assuming the former. Who's teaching these kids? As far as I'm concerned if you know what a lesbian is, you should know how to spell it.
I heard a reporter on Radio 1 last night outlining the main points of the HSE's first Health Status of the Population of Ireland Report which was published yesterday. One of the findings was that there are more people living in the republic than at any time since 1861. As well as the rise in immigration, she explained that 2 of the reasons for this is the increase in people being born and the decrease in people dying.
Let's see: more people being born, less people dying = more people overall.
In my round-up of last year, I talked about going to Dingle in December to see Elbow and Richard Hawley recording the Other Voices tv show. I posted a picture of myself and Helen on the beach in Dingle and said that we were pretending to take album cover shots.
Well Steve in London took it to the next logical step..
Here's Richard Hawley and Shez singing at just about the same spot. They know how to look cool on standing on a beach in December.
And here's some of Elbow and Richard Hawley's performance later that night..
Ok - so I was completely wrong with all those Oscar predictions yesterday (actually i wasn't really - I was betting on the ones I thought might surprise people) but could the results have been any less interesting.. Apart from Sean Penn, I suppose, and even that seemed somewhat inevitable too.
It's a shame that Mickey Rourke's performance in The Wrestler which was staggering for many reasons is now being referred to as a 'losing' one. Sean Penn is excellent in Milk but he's such a part of the establishment that his win just seems to be the safe choice by the Academy. It's funny that people have him down as some kind of loose cannon when, in fact, he always seems to say what's expected and do the right thing.
The contrast is clear when you see Mickey Rourke's speech at the Independent Spirit Awards the other night. One look at this tells us all we really need to know about why he didn't win last night. Clue: there's lots of swearing. It's also very funny.