On Today FM this week, Ray Darcy has been trying, on behalf of a nurse called 'Roisin', to locate the unknowing father of a 5 month old baby. Is there anything about that sentence that's ok?
Here's what happened: A nurse goes out one night, gets drunk and winds up in Copperface Jacks, a meat-market nightclub on Harcourt Street. Everyone has an idea of what goes on in Copperface Jacks. This story does nothing to contradict it. So Roisin meets a guy in the smoking section and heads on to a party in Rathmines. The guy, who may or may not have been from Birmingham and whose name may or may not begin with the letter 'L' is a bit of a hit with Roisin and the head off to his or her place where L and Roisin (a nurse, remember) enjoy a night of wild, unprotected passion. The following morning they shake hands on it and L goes off to meet his friends for football training. Possibly. Time passes until some weeks later Roisin discovers that she's pregnant. She goes ahead and has the child, all the while trying to find the mysterious L. Just to tell him he has a child, like. You'd think that with all the information at her disposal it wouldn't be too difficult but Roisin struggled and had to resort to hiring a private detective. Who, not surprisingly, also struggled. So Roisin, in despair, did what anyone would do in the same circumstances. She contacted Ray Darcy on Today Fm and asked him, and his 300,000 listeners, to find L. Ray gathered the details and turned it over to the people. And now it's all over the place..
Once again, is this ok?
Roisin's part in all of this is fair enough I suppose - she's in a bind and needs some help. Today FMs part is a little hazier. I don't understand what's a win for the station. How does the story end? Do they find the guy and surprise him on air? Or do they find the guy and quietly pass his details on to Roisin? Of course that's not going to work, is it? 300,000 people want to know who this guy is.. Now the Evening Herald does too. And I suppose, if I'm honest, I want to know how it all ends too. Not that I want to know who L is. I just want to know what Today Fm do when the wheels come off L's wagon. When he denies everything. When his wife leaves him. When he goes crazy on air at 11 o'clock in the morning.. It's going to be interesting.. Personally I don't think they should have gone anywhere near the whole mess but nobody asked me.
And while I'm at it, isn't it a little unfair that the woman in this situation can is kept anonymous while trying to establish the real name of the man? It reminds me of
that case in the US a couple of years ago when a couple met on a first date and never met again. The man paid for the meal but when the girl told him she didn't want to see him again, he petulantly sent her a bill for her half of the meal. She ignored him and he began to leave voicemail and emails demanding the money. Outrageous behavior of course, but wherever it was reported his name was listed but her name, Joanne, was in inverted commas. Just like 'Roisin'. Darren Sherman, the stingy single guy was hung out to dry but Joanne remained unknown. If the girls want to hang these guys, is it ok for them to do it undercover?
Anyway, we'll see what happens with Roisin and L. I've been trying to find out without actually, you know, listening to the damn show or reading the Herald. Perhaps it'll be on the news tonight.