I've been doing a bit of jogging in the past few weeks and decided on Friday to get some new ruuning shoes. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get assistance from the slack-jawed boys and girls that work (or, to put it another way, stand around and get paid) in sports shops in Dublin. Actually, they're not sports shops, are they? That was my first mistake. They're hoodie and tracksuit shops. Anyway, I asked for some assistance in selecting a good pair of running shoes. You'd swear I'd asked for help in splitting the atom or inventing a new energy source. Having asked the young man in uniform if he knew what would be a good choice for a novice jogger, his reponse was: "What? For running, like?" I guess most people buy 'runners' to wear with their confirmation tracksuit or to court..
I don't mean to put anyone down. I don't blame the kids - it's the management of these shops that need to explain themselves. Why would you put people out there who clearly aren't prepared for dealing with customers. In the end I went home, did a bit of research online, went back and picked up these fellas (with the assistance, in fairness, of a helpful young indian lad). They're fantastic. Of course they aren't going to help me with stamina or breathing but they're shiny and new. And they'll look good when I'm being rushed to hospital!
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