I had a man in last week (Vlad - contact details on request) building shelves in the living room and kitchen. I've been in the blue house for about 4 years and haven't really done anything to it besides painting the living room a couple of times and hoovering now and then. But a few weeks ago I got a new fridge and now these shelves. It won't stop there either - I've big plans for the coming months. Especially now that I've found someone who can do the work for me because there's no way I'm doing it! I'm a little embarassed at how happy a few pieces of wood have made me but there's nothing I can do about it so I'm not going to fight it anymore!
The fantastic thing about the new shelves is that at last I can have all my books, records and DVDs in one place. The blue house is relatively small so, prior to this weekend, everything's been scattered all over the place. But now that everything is in one place I've realised that I haven't read at least half of the books I own. How can that be? I read books. I mean, I'm not getting through 2 hardbacks a week or anything but I read. All the time. And yet there's tons of stuff here that looks like it's never been opened, never mind read. Some of them I don't even remember buying. It's very odd. And while I'm at it, where are all the books I've read lately? They've vanished! Has the book fairy been to my house and swapped things while i wasn't looking? Very odd.
I guess I know what I'm going to be doing for the next few months, so. Just as well I wasn't planning on going out this Autumn..
Verr naice. But why are you keeping a jar full of condoms on the bottom shelf?
For visitors who get lucky. Not for me. That'd just be ridiculous..
Is that a book about cod on the 3rd shelf?
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