The reaction to the news that the government has decided to try to enforce the laws about provisional drivers has been hilarious. The face that they climbed down as quickly as they did is not so funny.. I have real sympathy for learner drivers who need their car for work. And I've got as much sympathy for learner drivers who are genuinely trying to get their full licence but there's a lot of chancers out there who have never sat a drving test and have no intention of doing so. They're the ones who've repsonded to the news of the clampdown with outrage and indignation. One corresepndent to the Irish Independent the other day claimed that it was provisional drivers who were responsible for Fianna Fail wininng the last election. Really?
I think Noel Dempsey was very foolish if it thought he could change the rules overnight and not expect the reaction he got. It may have been ill-advised but I like that he's showing willing and hopefully the opposition will get off his back and see if he can really do something about the problem in the timeline he's suggested.
Anyway, I've exhausted myself on the topic over the weekend so I'll shut up for now. However can we all agree that people who have put their L plates upside down should have their licences cancelled? It's a bit of an epidemic in this town. If the driver of this car doesn't know up from down, should they really be let loose on the road?

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