All this talk in the papers about Steve 'Stan' Staunton's position as Irish manager is making me laugh a bit. I keep hearing and reading that today is the day a decision will be made on his future and he's expected to pay the ultimate price for failure. Now call me pedantic, but isn't the ultimate price usually death? And not an €800,000 pay-off and a few 'another fine mess you've got us into' headlines in the tabs. He really must be hurting today..
If the punishment for failing to beat the likes of Cyprus at home really was death, perhaps we'd have seen a bit more commitment to the cause on Wednesday night..
But hey - let's not waste time talking about football. As someone who's been accused of bearing more than a passing resemblance to Staunton, I'll be glad to see the back of him!
Passing resemblance!
I hope you won't forget who your friends once you get your golden handshake.
Ak, why must I always be with the typos?
Ah - it's part of your klutzy charm!
Don't knock it..
Wait - what do you mean?
You don't think I look like Stan 'Steve' Staunton, do you?!
Hmmm... I suppose I haven't got a leg to stand on.
And even if I did, I'd fall over it.
Of course you look like him. Especially when he's/you're somewhat grumpy.
Just like I'm the spit of Jayne Mansfield.
Me? Grumpy?
Steve 'Stan'? Grumpy?
I think you must have us confused..
As for Jayne Mansfield - is that before or after she hit the tractor?!
After, of course.
You're terrible, Muriel.
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