Monday, February 25, 2008

'and the Oscar probably doesn't go to...'

It's late on Sunday night and the Oscar results will be announced shortly so here's my predictions for who and what I think will be the big wiinners tonight.. Let's meet back here in the morning to see what happened..

Best Supporting Actress Ruby Dee (token old person award)
Best Supporting Actor Javier Bardem (token Johnny Foreigner award)
Best Actor Daniel Day Lewis (just because he's my friend)
Best Actress Julie Christie (token sick/dying character award)
Best Film No Country For Old Men (because it was the best film on the list)
Best Director Paul Thomas Anderson (because they won't give it to the Coens, will they?)

And I don't think Glen Hansard is going to win his Oscar (everyone here thinks he's a certainty). I think it's a lovey song and a terrific film (not that that has anything to do with anything) but 'That's How you Know' from Enchanted should take the statue. That's a proper big-time hollywood song! I thought Enchanted was one of the best things I saw last year. I'd even have given Amy Adams a nomination for Best Actress if they'd asked me. My form must have got lost in the post. I blame the writers' strike. This song was the most enjoyable 4 minutes I spent at the cinema in 2007. I may even have applauded at the end. And I hate people who applaud at the cinema!

Now, I wonder what odds Paddy Power would've given me for that lot..

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