1.Pat Kenny €849,139
2.Gerry Ryan €558,990
3.Marian Finucane €455,190
4.Joe Duffy €367,804
5.Ryan Tubridy €346,667
6.Derek Mooney €242,408
7.Marty Whelan €229,056
8.Miriam OCallaghan €221,383
9.John Kelly €204,675
10.Bryan Dobson €193,610
Now before you ask, I didn't get paid a penny for my little stint on Dublin City FM last weekend.
Now I know the reflex reaction to all those figures is supposed to be barely-suppressed rage. A quick shout around the offcie tells me that none of them are worth what they're being paid. Apart from Miriam O'Callaghan of course, who should be getting more. Obviously. She's been on the front of the RTE guide for heaven's sake.
Joe Duffy has supposedly made the biggest jump from the previous year from €268,000 to €367,000. There ought to be someone we can call to complain about that.. I love the part of the report where Joe says he never comments about his salary. It's abut the only thing that Joe doesn't have something to say about.
The consensus on Pat Kenny, obviously, is that he's a plank and it's a disgrace that taxpayers money blah blah blah..
My question is what do people think Pat and the rest should be getting paid? Is half too much? Is a third? What should the going rate be for someone who presents a 2 hour current affairs show every day on national radio and a 3 hour entertainment and current affairs show on tv? I'd say it's about €849,000, give or take. One of the biggest cliches about Pat Kenny is that he's very good on the radio. Everyone says it and it's a bit of a joke. Well the thing about that is, he is very good on the radio. And yes, he struggles on tv when he's sitting opposite Kerry Katona or David Gest. But God, who wouldn't? But he's probably the most educated man presenting on RTE and after 30 years on air hosting a variety of shows on radio and tv I say he's worth what they're giving him. For the work he has to do and the flak he takes, to say nothing of the advertising revenue that RTE pulls in during his shows, I'd say he earns it.. I couldn't do his job and neither could you. Eamon Dunphy failed miserably when he took him on and I don't imagine Tubridy or Miriam or Joe Duffy would fare much better either. In the end, whatever he's paid is whatever he's paid and there's really not much point in begrudging him..
Now here's some classic Pat moments for the weekend...
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