Coming out of the cinema the other day I noticed this poster for 27 Dresses, the new film starring the lovely Katherine Heigl (her out of Knocked Up and Greys Anatomy) and the handsome and not particularly talented Ed Burns (him out of lots of really bad stuff). I don't want to jump to any conclusions or anything but, having seen the trailer a few times lately, I think I can guess that it's probably not going to be very good..
Here's what caught my eye on the poster though: "Katherine Heigl is the new Bridget Jones" Is she? Is she really? No, of course she isn't. For one thing every other magazine has been passing her off as the new Julia Roberts (she isn't but let's not get distracted). For another, Bridget Jones is a bloody fictional character. How can she be the new Bridget Jones? Nonsense. I'm not sure where the quote originally came from but I imagine it wasn't Sight and Sound and was more than likely Eve or Heat or Gusset or some publication..
So let's see what's happened here. In the absence of anything good to say about the film, the producers have thrown a spurious quotation at the wall in the hope that the magic words 'Bridget Jones' will somehow fool the target (female, in other words) audience.. As if girls will look at it and think - "Hey - it says Bridget Jones on the poster. I'm a single girl. Bridget Jones was a single girl. The girl in this film must be single too. We're all, like, practically the same" and rush off to see the film..
Incidentally, I always laugh when single girls try to pass themselves off as some kind of Bridget-type character. As if hating your job, drinking too much, banging on about diets and saying 'fuck' a lot needs contextualising. Let's see, Bridget Jones starts off working in publishing before moving into tv presenting and ends with Hugh Grant and Colin Firth literally fighting over her. Is that a true reflection of the single girl's lot? Of course not. Now listen, I'm a realist. I understand that it's all just a bit of fun and none of it is supposed to be taken seriously but I just think that posters like that is just a bit insulting to all the, eh, lovely ladeeeez.
Will it work? Any girls want to comment? Isn't there something patronising to women the way films like this are promoted? Or am I getting uppity over nothing.
No wait, don't answer that..
The movie is a typical rom/com but its defintely a feel good flick and Heigl is very endearing. It is a decent movie and she is very talented and beautiful actress. Girl will go far.
I simply adore chick flicks and their assumption that there's nothing wrong with women that marrying a human Ken Doll and getting sprogged up won't solve.
Actually, I got an invite to a screening of this film from a laydeez magazine I'm subscribed to and I felt somewhat insulted.
I thought "they can cock off if they want me to watch this post-feminist candyflossed horse shit" and told them as much via a postcard written in menstrual blood.
Not mine though, I have some manners.
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