..and so does itunes, it seems.
I've had my itunes playing on random for the last couple of hours and this is what it's chucked out at me. There's not really much chance that anyone's going to confuse me with anything other than a 35 year-old white man who likes Bruce Springsteen, is there? I mean I can bang on about Roots, Jazz, Tinarimen, Devotchka, Gogol Bordello and whoever else I want (they're all in my itunes library somewhere - I swear!) but, let's be honest, the randomiser doesn't lie..
This is in contrast to Helen's ipod (sorry - her i-touch) which I was listening to this morning on the way to work. In a moment of wanton recklessness I switched it on random and got Pink, Nelly Furtado, Mika, Percy Sledge, Maroon bleedin 5, Madonna, some chancer called Ne-Yo (not Neil Young, as it turned out) Maroon Bleeding 5 again and, happily, the Manic Street Preachers 'If you Tolerate This, Then Your Children Will Be Next' Indeed so.
Apart from Maroon 5, who, frankly, can fuck right off it wasn't the worst listening experience I've ever had. And it was a darn sight cheerier than Elvis Costello, Bob Dylan and Eels..
So go on - what's your randomiser telling you today?
I have 18 Cardigans songs, 3 Laura Marlings, 2 Hot Chips, 1 Kraftwerk, 3 Manics, 4 Justice, 1 Kiki & Herb and 12 Otis Reddings on my new iTunes.
And a paaaaartridge in a pear tree.
The randomiser is even less random than that list would suggest.
I think it tells me that I'm a lazy bitch.
There's a slider thingy in the preferences where you can dictate how random 'random' is. 'Less likely' is where you want to be.
Ah - found it. Lets see if this makes any difference. I'll test it right now for the morning and see where we end up..
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