Somebody suggested I put my itunes random setting to less likely to see if it would shake up my random playlist. Have a look - if anything it's made the selection narrower. Hmm - could it be that 'less likely' means it's less likely to be random or does it mean that the songs are less likely to be similar? Next week I'll switch it to more likely and give you an update.. I'm sure you can't wait..
Incidentally, can things be more or less random? Isn't random a binary state? Either something is random or it's not? A bit like people who describe other people as 'complete' strangers. Again, surely a stranger is a stranger or they're not. People say the funniest things..
Even if it just kept selecting the same track over and over, it would be random. Think about that.
Yes but is it possible for me to make something more or less random? C'mon Gerry - thia kind of pedantry is right up your street!
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