Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tough day at the office, dear?

Helen went into The Gap the other day to ask if they had something that she couldn't see on display. She was confidently told that the didn't. Of course nobody actually checked to see. Isn't it funny how shop assistants can barely form a sentence yet have a complete inventory of the stockroom in their heads? Anyway, undeterred she asked if perhaps it could be ordered in from one of their shops in the UK but that wasn't an option either..

As she finished the exchange, the assistant told her that they were the hardest questions she'd ever been asked in the shop. Which is fine, I suppose, but you have to wonder prior to then what were the toughest questions she's ever been asked. "Do you have this in a large "What time are you clocking off?" "What's your name?"

If it wasn't for those darned customers, it'd probably be a good place to work.

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