If anyone else had been there, I daresay I would gave laid there whimpering and sobbing like the brave soldier I am until help arrived. As it was, I was alone so I picked myself up (slowly) put on my shoes (now he puts on his shoes!!) and went down to the Gravediggers for a medicinal pint or two.. It was really only when I woke up on Saturday morning that I realised how bad it was. Leonard Cohen has a great lyric about aching in the places that he used to play. Well, since Saturday morning, I've been aching in the places that I used to just be.. I've got a bruise the size of my back on my back and lots of little bangs and sores. So, you know, if you're reading this kids, don't make the same mistake I made!
Still - you won't hear me complaining.. Everybody else will but you won't!
And at least it wasn't captured on screen like poor old Beyonce..
Would it not have been more topical to title this post Falling Slowly?
Or Hurtling Rapidly?
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