Thursday, September 11, 2008


I'm off to see Round She Goes in The Secret Garden tonight. It's our second thing we're going to after the fabulous La Clique last Friday night. Hoping to see another few before it all ends next week.

La Clique was terrific. It's kind of a camp acrobatic freak show of a circus type affair with a little bit or eroticism (naked lady!) and a few hula-hoops thrown in for good measure. Not to mention Captain Frodo the double-jointed rubber man who can squeeze, bend and snap his body through a 10inch tennis racket.. A sight to see. And then there's the hunky guy in Levis jeans and a bath tub who flies around the room. You should go..

Anyway, I'm told that Amy G does unspeakable things with a kazoo in Round She Goes. I hope it's as entertaining as I've been told. I'll report back tomorrow.

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