Friday, August 29, 2008

He's here to save us!

I think the AP are pushing the 'Obama as saviour' thing a bit much with this image from last night's Convention speech. That's a grand healthy glow coming off of him.

Incidentally isn't all this talk of the 'rapturous reception' he got last night a bit redundant? I mean, he was standing in front of 70,000 Democrats at the end of a week in which they'd constantly been talking him up. What kind of reception did the press expect him to get? Put him in front of a football field of Republicans in Texas and let's see how he gets on.

Still - his speech was terrific. Apparently his head speechwriter, Jon Favreau, is only 26. Impressive. I could've done that when I was 26 too.. It's just that nobody asked me.

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