Sunday, August 3, 2008


Every week on the radio show, we go through Saturday's newspapers and pick out interesting things to talk about. While we were browsing through them yesterday, I noticed that the Mirror had a story about Gerard McDonnell, the Limerick man who, on Friday, became the first Irishman to reach the peak of K2. As far as I can tell, the Mirror was the only paper that carried story but we picked up on it as a good news story and talked about it briefly. According to the article, K2 is supposed to be harder than Everest to climb and that more people have died on the descent than any other mountain. We casually chatted about how awful it would be to reach the peak but not make it back down..

Yesterday evening before I went out I noticed on the irish times website that McDonnell and his team of Dutch climber have, in fact, gone missing after falling ice hit them at 8,000m. This morning when I went for the papers, I found that most of them are now covering his disappearance. Whether he's alive or dead, and at the momet it seems unlikely that he'll be found alive, isn't it a shame that the papers seemed less interested to talk about his achievement on Friday morning than his disappearance on Friday evening?

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