Monday, July 2, 2007

A couple of things..

I'm not going to bang on about that Diana concert yesterday. Clearly it's fairly critic-proof. However everybody needs to see this terrible P Diddy performance from the show. Or as Jamie Oliver said, Mister P. Diddy. Anyway, this is just shocking. What's he on about? More importantly, what's he on?!!

Ricky Gervais' bit was a mess too. Did he really go out there not knowing how long he'd be onstage? It was a little bit funny and a little bit embarrassing. That's the 2nd time I've seen him doing his funny dance at a charity concert. He must be starting to think that despite the awards and tv shows and live tours, the silly dance is what they'll show on tv when he dies. He's going to have to try to get away from that but I'm not sure recreating it in front of huge worldwide audiences is the way to go about it. A bit of a shocker that a comedian couldn't entertain a crowd for 4 minutes. I guess he's not that kind of comedian. Still - he's rich and I'm not, so he wins.

Finally another thing that tickled me was one of the prince's comments at the start about 'if our mother was here, she'd be first on her feet to clap and sing along'. But wait, surely if their mother was there, there'd be no need for anyone else to be! Perhaps I'm simplifying things.

Anyway, it was all rubbish but it's hard not to be taken in when the rubbish is this good. It's Donny! It's Jason! It's, em, somebody else.. I dare you not to sing along.

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